Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico


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Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico

Museo ebraico di Siena


Ticket available for purchase online and at our Visitor Centers

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Sinagoga e Museo Ebraico


The Synagogue of Siena, a rare example of Tuscan architecture blending Rococo and Neoclassicism, is located just a few steps from Piazza del Campo in the area of the ancient Jewish ghetto established in 1571 by Grand Duke Cosimo I de’ Medici and active until 1859. Designed by architect Giuseppe del Rosso as an expansion of an existing synagogue dating back to the 16th century, it was inaugurated in 1786. The simple exterior facade contrasts with the elegantly decorated interior, characteristic of synagogues built in Italy during the age of ghettos, prior to the Emancipation of Jews with the Unification of Italy. Inside, the Aron Kodesh (holy ark) is adorned with marble columns enclosed by a curved pediment; the pediment bears the Hebrew inscription “Know Before Whom You Stand,” surmounted by a crown. In the center stands the Tevah (podium) made of wood, enriched with ten-branch candelabra. Hebrew inscriptions of verses from Psalms are framed in Baroque cartouches along all the walls of the Synagogue. The ceiling depicts the Tablets of the Law in white and blue stucco. Of great artistic value is the seat of the prophet Elijah, finely inlaid with Hebrew verses and created around 1860 by artists associated with the Sienese Purism school. Completing the tour is the ancient women’s gallery overlooking the Synagogue, protected by wooden grilles pierced with floral motifs: a secluded and evocative space hosting temporary exhibitions, educational activities, screenings, and book presentations.


The opening hours may vary for activities related to Jewish holidays.


vicolo delle Scotte, 14 Siena



  • Synagogue
  • Museo ebraico di Siena

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Caro Ospite,
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