Ticket available for purchase online
and at our Visitor Centers
Ticket available for purchase online and at our Visitor Centers
The Tempio del Brunello is an immersive and emotional journey to discover Brunello, the king of wines, and the territory of Montalcino. The experience begins at InChiostro, where a virtual reality station called InVolo allows visitors to immerse themselves in the villas, castles, vineyards, and small villages of the vast municipal territory. Passing through the open cloister, you descend into an underground environment where immersive videos reveal the four foundational pillars that have made Brunello unique. Then, you move through the voices of Brunello, interviews with the personalities who have turned Brunello into a legend. In the divine frame, the visitor is invited to leave their mark through the ‘color palette’ of Montalcino’s hues. In Calix, artistic masterpieces will be presented, expressing the inspiration and creative work that the land of Montalcino has instilled in its people. The journey also allows you to admire the frescoes of the Church of Sant’Agostino and to retrace the history of the territory and admire its artistic heritage through the collections of the Museo Archeologico and the Museo Civico Diocesano.
Presso il Bike Point Terra Eroica nella Torre Civica del Palazzo Comunale e la Ciclofficina Eroica all’interno del Complesso di Sant’Agostino, esiste l’opportunità di noleggiare biciclette muscolari ed elettriche. Si potrà partire quindi alla scoperta di uno dei territori più belli del mondo, attraverso percorsi didattici, paesaggistici, culturali e spirituali che attraversano luoghi e panorami ormai mitici nell’immaginario collettivo. Inoltre, nel chiostro scoperto, presso l’Enoteca Bistrot del Tempio del Brunello, è possibile condividere e concludere l’esperienza dialogando di cultura, d’arte e di vino, guidati da un vero e proprio sommelier digitale, che permette di cogliere i gesti e le ritualità che accompagnano la degustazione del Brunello e del Rosso di Montalcino.
At the Bike Point Terra Eroica in the Torre Civica of the Palazzo Comunale and the Ciclofficina Eroica inside the Complesso di Sant’Agostino, there is the opportunity to rent both traditional and electric bicycles. This allows you to embark on a journey through one of the most beautiful territories in the world, exploring educational, scenic, cultural, and spiritual routes that traverse places and landscapes now legendary in the collective imagination. Additionally, in the open cloister at the Enoteca Bistrot of the Tempio del Brunello, you can share and conclude the experience by discussing culture, art, and wine, guided by a digital sommelier. This virtual sommelier helps you appreciate the gestures and rituals that accompany the tasting of Brunello and Rosso di Montalcino.